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Digital Sale

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We choose to use NFTs "Non-fungible tokens" to sell Digital Representation of Didier Bécet artworks.

This digital sale allows us to keep the last artworks of our father while sharing his work.

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to get the chance to win an original NFT of our collection!


NFTs are tokens that we can use to represent ownership of unique items.
They can only have one official owner at a time and they're secured by the Ethereum blockchain,
no one can modify the record of ownership or copy/paste a new NFT into existence.


The owner can display the Artwork on a frame TV, in a virtual galery,
in a metaverse and resell the NFT.

The ownership of the NFT guarantees the preservation, and lock of the sale of the original work.
We also offers borrowing of the original painting, and personalized visit of the workshop *(under-condition).


Want to know more about nft ?
Need help to prepare your cryptocurrency purchase ?

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What will happen to the original Piece of Art once purchased in digital ?

The original piece of art will remain in our possession. The goal is to sell the digital work to conserve and exhibit the original.

Can I buy the original work after I have acquired the digital copy ?

Most of the original artworks are not for sale, contact us to know if you can acquire yours.